Chewing for good oral functions: Myo Munchee
Information about OMFT
for speech therapists, orthodontists and dentists
Instruments and materials for OMFT
Direct online ordering

OMFT: oro-myofunctional therapy

There is a direct relationship between form and function of the orofacial structures:

  • form dictates function,
  • function dictates form.

The physiognomy, the shape of the mouth and the position of the teeth are mainly influenced by the function of the intra and extra oral muscles. Oro-myofunctional therapy (OMFT) is a training therapy to restore a disharmony in the balance between the intra and extra oral muscles.

This website gives the speech pathologist information about OMFT and the possibility to order materials and measuring instruments.

Our webshop

In our webshop you can order products and measuring instruments that are useful in the field of OMFT; products for the diagnosis and the effectiveness of the therapy, such as the force-scale, payne paste, mouth tape and myospots.

The impact of OMFT

Results within a few months. Lasting results, because OMFT aims to behavioral change.

Do you have a question about this website or about OMFT? Please contact us.