Maaike Selten-Pijpe graduated in 2009 as a dentist at University of Groningen in The Netherlands. After completing her dentistry studies, she started working in the oral, jaw and facial surgery department at the UMCG, where she specialized in oral surgery. In 2012 she also completed her medical studies. Maaike specializes in surgical procedures in and around the mouth, with a specific focus on the treatment of ankyloglossia. She is the founder of the tongue tie consultation at Staas and Bergmans, where she treats infants with breast feeding problems in close collaboration with lactation consultants. Due to her specialization in ankyloglossia, she also sees older children with ankyloglossia and associated abnormal mouth behavior; her interest in OMFT arose from there. She periodically runs a multidisciplinary consultation hour with an OMFT-specialized speech therapist and a dentist specialized in myobraces. She has a good cooperation with a number of OMFT speech therapists.