The manufacturer of Myospots has developed its own lip tape for nasal breathing and against snoring. Ideal for men with a beard, because the tape can be stuck to the lips themselves. This new lip tape can now be ordered in the webshop.

By sticking the tape horizontally on the lips, or vertically over the lips, the mouth closes and breathing starts through the nose. This prevents mouth breathing and snoring. The ‘sleep lip tape’ can also be used during physical exertion to increase oxygen intake with nasal breathing.

The tape is ideal for men with a beard. The tape only sticks to their lips and not to the hairy skin around them. The stretchy nature of the lip tape allows partial opening of the mouth. The adhesive layer is hypoallergenic and designed to prevent skin irritations. The strip is easy to remove, without leaving any residue.

The lip tape comes in a small box. Each box contains 40 stretchable hypoallergenic lip tapes. You can order in the webshop.

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