A new variant of the Re-mind has been developed, especially for combating teeth grinding or jaw clenching. The Re-mind regularly vibrates without the environment noticing. That is the time to check whether you are grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. Not only do you learn in which types of situations you do this; it is also the signal to stop grinding the teeth or – if there is jaw clenching – to make an opposite movement (antagonist). Opposing movements with jaw clenching are: lowering the lower jaw, yawning or puffing out the cheeks.

The Re-mind has various vibration programs. The device can be put in a trouser pocket or shirt pocket; as long as there is enough contact with the body to feel the vibration. With the special wristband in which the device fits exactly, every vibration is guaranteed to be felt.

The Re-mind for Bruxism can be ordered in the OMFT.info webshop. The ‘regular’ Re-mind is also available there for Speech Therapy and OMFT.


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